UniCredit is an Italian banking institution with an international presence in 22 countries and revenues of nearly 27 billion EUR. The bank has over 40 million customers and nearly 180 000 employees. Its net profits amount to €0.937 bn while its branches are over 10 000. In 2003, UniCredit found three banks in Italy:
UniCredit Banca, UniCredit Banca d’Impresa, and UniCredit Private Banking. Two years later, UniCredit merged with HVB. In 2008-9, the company experienced the outcome of the financial crisis and asked assistance from the Italian government.
The bank’s subsidiaries are numerous. Their functions are quite similar but still offering different banking profiles. For instance, the UniCredit Banca functions in Northen Italy and targets small enterprises and private individuals in the following regions: Valle d'Aosta, Lombardia, Veneto, Piemonte, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, etc. Seven leading banks were merged to form UniCredit Banca. Its peculiar approach toward clients includes offering innovative solutions and professional consultations.
Southern Italy is covered by the UniCredit Banca di Roma. The body strives to serve the customers residing in Turcany, Umbria, Abruzzo, Marche, Lazio, and others. The bank was established as result of a merger of three of Rome’s institutions with prominent profiles: Banco di Roma, Savings Bank of Rome, and Banco di Santo Spirito. Again, the credo of the bank is headed toward specialization, innovation, and best suited services.
Banco di Sicilia is acting in the region of Sicily, offering products and services to small enterprises, public and private institutions, and individuals. The body attracts a clientele which ranges from self-employed persons and families, through small businesses, to public bodies and corporations. The bank establishment followed the merger between Capitalia Group and
UniCredit Group.
UniCredit specializes in real estate mortgages, credit cards, individual and targeted loans, salary loans, under UniCredit Family Financing. The structure pools experience from its two major structures: UniCredit Banca per la Casa and UniCredit Consumer Financing. The body concludes agreements with allies’ or commercial partners’ networks, insurers, intermediaries, and the most prominent car dealers.
The largest private bank in Italy, UniCredit Private Banking, focuses on the risk/return measurement, asset management, taxation, succession planning, and real estates.
The Unicredit Corporate Banking is supported by top-class specialists and boosts over 100,000 customers. Apart from loan granting, the bank offers risk management, insurance brokerage, business finance, etc.
Last but not least, Fineco is the first company to offer online stock trading on the Italian market. The structure specializes in brokerage, credit services, asset management, retail and institutional trading services, and multi-brand investments.
UniCredit has a major role in the
Italian banking business, confirmed by its broad and diversified clientele.
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