
The Berliner Sparkasse is one of Germany’s major savings bank, part of the Sparkasse Savings Banks Financial Group and a legal branch of Landesbank Berlin AG. The bank is headquartered in Berlin and operates over 190 sales offices and branches while its employees number 2055. Dr. Johannes Evers is the bank’s current Chief Executive Officer.

Berliner Sparkasse was founded in 1818 by the magistrate of Berlin, standing for the first savings bank of Prussia and one of the first savings banks in Germany. As a savings bank for the “poorer classes”, the bank’s major task was to secure the savings of the local people and help them collect capital to be used for marriages, trade, etc. At the end of the first year after foundation, Berliner Sparkasse already had 551 clients.

The bank’s first branch was opened in 1882. As a result of the Greater Berlin Act of 1920, the city of Berlin expanded greatly. Towns, previously surrounding the capital, were included within its territory. Then, Berliner Sparkasse merged with the savings banks of the newly incorporated municipalities.

During the Nazi regime, the savings banks lost their independence and were incorporated into the Reich Group IV. The Cold War separated Germany into two parts and divided the savings bank as well. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, contacts among savings banks in East and West Berlin were resumed. After 45 years of isolation, they were re-united under the umbrella of the newly formed Landesbank.

In 1994, the Berliner Sparkasse merged with the newly established Gesellschaft Berlin Bank. For the first time in Germany’s banking history, a private and a public bank merged together.

As a universal banking provider, Berliner Sparkasse offers to its private and corporate clients financial and investment services, as well as services related to savings and loans. Based on its market leadership, the bank provides simple checking accounts, asset management, private banking, and comprehensive support for business customers (especially SMEs and small traders), insurance products, pension products, real estate financing, etc.

Berliner Sparkasse has won several awards such as 6th place, among 400 other financial institutions in German-speaking countries, for the quality of their online services, and 3rd place in the category "banking and brokerage”. In addition, the quality of its products and services has been highly ranked.

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